21 Clear Signs Of A Libra Man In Love With You

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'Romance' is not set in stone, and what you think is romantic might be considered lame or silly by your partner. Often, it is tricky to know if the guy you are hanging out with is interested in you or not. But if you are dating a Libra man, there are some ways you could know if they are attracted to you.

Libra falls under the category of "Air Signs" along with Aquarius and Gemini. It means that they are intuitively good observers and listeners and can offer you insights that others may not be able to see. However, they make their comments to please the other, so they may not truly tell you their deeper thoughts behind sweet pleasantries and friendly banter. That makes them the natural charmers, and wooing comes to them easily.

Libra men often tend to make it easier for women. Thanks to their innately expressive and romantic nature that helps them make the first move. But to be sure and be able to read the signs a Libra man is in love with you, read through this post and check if your guesses are right.

This is a fun and simple list of traits based on the Sun sign in Western astrology. If you want a personalized analysis of your man's romantic interests and traits, you should get his whole birth chart studied by a professional.

21 Signs A Libra Man Is In Love With You

We've identified some of the key facets of Libra men's personalities and how they May behave when they are with someone they love. Look out for these signs to get an idea if a Libra man sees you as a friend or something more.

1. He is happy with you around

While this might seem cliche, it is true for Libras as they are expressive. If you are that special someone who brightens up his day and makes him happy, you are likely to see him smiling when you enter the room. Smiling is one of the most natural expressions of joy, and it shows up on the face of a Libra man instantly if he likes your company.

2. He goes out of his way to spend time with you

Libras are innately romantic and tend to put themselves out there when it comes to relationships. It means that Libra men will make a more significant effort to meet someone and spend time if they have a romantic interest in them. It could be something as simple as him going out of his way to drop or pick you up or staying late to join you in activities of your interest. Sometimes, he might drop in to see you even if you aren't expecting him.

3. He's always his best self around you

It doesn't mean he's two-faced or being someone else for your sake. Libra men wear their best behavior when they're around someone they love. Whether it's showcasing their exquisite manners, trying to make you laugh, or simply being the best version of himself, a Libra man is always at his peak to impress his love interest.

4. He shows interests in you

Libra men are romantic, and when they fall in love, they fall hard. He might be willing to talk or meet you at short notice, or you notice him answering your calls and texts immediately, even if you're texting late at odd hours. As a Libra in love, he lives for the moments where he gets to be with you or talk to you. Look for these subtle signs in his behavior, and you will know if he is attracted to you.

5. He only has eyes for you

Once a Libra guy starts loving you, he won't see other girls romantically. While they might notice someone physically attractive, they would not stare or engage with them in any manner. If you see a Libra man consciously not responding to attention from a beautiful woman, there's a good chance he's in love with you.

6. He doesn't shy away from emotional attachment

While many play it cool and detached in the dating game, Libra men are seldom this way. They will express how much your presence means to them. If a Libra guy likes you, he would not waste much time and makes it easy for you to guess.

7. He gives and expects total commitment

While cat and mouse games are common in the early stages of dating, Libra men are usually direct when it comes to love. They are relatively straightforward. You would rarely find them flirting with other women and show their commitment towards you. If he likes you, you can find him visibly hurt or jealous if you're flirting with other men. You become his priority, and he expects the same from you.

8. His happiness is centered around yours

Libras are empathetic. When a Libra man finds you upset, he would listen to your problems and try to help out and cheer you up. He would make efforts to bring a smile to your face. If a Libra man is always there for you when you are at your lowest, he is likely in love with you and doesn't want you to feel low.

9. He involves himself in your issues and tries to sort them out

Libra men like to be a part of their romantic interest's lives on a deeper level and are always ready to help. It is not just a tactic to woo you but a general indication of their nature. They would listen to your problems and try to make things better wherever possible. Don't be surprised if he tries to make your day better in the event he can't help you. It's his way of showing you he loves you.

10. He engages with your social circle

When we pursue a relationship, it's natural to want to know the person's family and close friends. Libras take this to a whole different level. They want to be on their best behavior and impress your family and friends. It's like declaring to the world that he is interested in you and is pursuing you—something men often do to keep the competition away at a subconscious level.

11. He is patient when it comes to signals

You might think you're making it clear to a Libra man that you are also interested, and he should make his move—a Libra won't see it as such. Given how much importance they give to permanence and commitment, it's perfectly natural for him to take his time to fully process these signs and then articulate his emotions to you.

If a Libra isn't responding to apparent signs, it doesn't mean he's not interested. Rather, it's quite the opposite! He will commit to you fully when he is sure that there is a concrete future to your relationship, and it will be worth the wait.

12. He knows you better than you do

Libras are excellent conversationalists by nature. And their desire to spend time with someone they love leads them to a better understanding of that person at every level. If he is in love with you, he will remember the smallest details about you—food preferences, allergies, your first pet's name, the first time you met, and many other things that make you think they might sometimes know you better than you do!

13. His plans involve you

When a Libra man discusses his future with someone he loves, she is bound to feature in all of them. It might not even be intentional as Libras are honest to a fault. You might find this manifesting in ways when he says you both should take a trip or he wants to settle down with someone who is like you in terms of character and behavior. Libras are incredibly invested in romance and will typically see a relationship through to a long time.

14. He frequently reaches out to you

It could be frequent visits or outings or something as simple as texting or calling often. Libras are romantic to the point of being nearly obsessive when they are in love, and that can be seen in how often they reach out to you. While they may prefer to meet in person or call you, they will also message or text you often. If the first thing you see when you wake up or before you go to bed is a text from him, there's a good chance he's in love with you.

15. He's an excellent listener

You might notice that your Libra friends seem to know you well, and that's not just something that magically happens. Libras are instinctively good listeners, especially when the person talking is their romantic interest. If you want to talk about a passion, a hobby, your career goals, or vent your frustration at the end of a difficult day, you will always find a good listener in a Libra. If he is still there when you want someone to talk to and listen to, he is likely in love with you.

16. He is patient when it comes to relationships

Libras take their time when it comes to relationships. While they may not move fast, they will move when they are sure. A relationship is a big commitment to Libras, and they want to take time to get to know you before committing. Prepare for a more extended than usual courtship period with a Libra man before he confesses his emotions, but expect the result to be fruitful.

17. He praises you

Libras respond well to positive reinforcement. They appreciate compliments and give them when they mean them. They are receptive to praise and feedback and accordingly adjust their habits. Just be careful to encourage them to hold onto their own desires and passions because they can easily lose track of who they are in relationship. If you tell a Libra man you like something that he does and find him doing it more often, he's likely in love with you!

18. He is optimistic

Libras have a positive mindset. They tend to be optimistic about most things you discuss, such as career and health. Most importantly, if the man you like is confident about your relationship's future, there is a good chance he likes you.

19. He engages you in serious discussions

If you're regularly talking to a man about the meaning of life, art, philosophy, or even your place in the universe, there's a good chance it's a Libra! They are good listeners and great conversationalists who love to exchange thoughts and opinions on a myriad of mutual interest topics. If a Libra man is opening up to you about his innermost thoughts and life philosophy, he must be in love with you.

20. He wants you to push him

While Libras may seem secure about who they are, they often want to be with someone who complements their personalities and challenge them. They will be open to someone they love and want to push them to better themselves. If he likes you, he will take your suggestions positively. It opens the doors for both of you to improve and grow together as a couple.

21. He picks up on small signs

Libras tend to be good judges of character. It is even more evident when it is about their romantic interest. Once a Libra man gets to know the person he loves, he will start to pick up on the smallest signs. The keen insight into your behavior is a big part of what informs him about you. If he can pick up on things that you aren't even saying directly or might not have realized yourself, that's a good sign he's in love with you.

Libras are fairly straightforward when it comes to romance. They want to engage with you on a deeper level and look to build a lasting emotional connection before making things official. They are not impulsive or emotional but willfully commit when ready. A relationship with a Libra man can be a wonderful exchange of ideas, support, advice, opinions, and love. So if you notice the signs, go for it and let the Libra man make you happy.

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Catie Cadge began her journey with astrology three decades ago. In 2014, she pursued more formal training as an evolutionary astrologer through the Steven Forrest Apprenticeship Program. She completed a master's certificate with Steven Forrest in 2016.  She is now serving as Dean of Instruction for the Forrest Center For Evolutionary Astrology.

Rohan was an HR analyst before transitioning into a freelance writer/ editor. He holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources and previously worked as an analyst in Goldman Sachs. Having also worked in a media and post-production firm, he has special interest in films. Rohan is an avid reader with a passion for defense,... more